I still have a couple of days of training left, but I have done my last ride on the road and I am as ready as I ever will be. My training has gone really well over the last few weeks and I probably had the best ride yesterday I have ever had in training! At the “young” age of 50 this is not what I had expected I would be doing at this point in time of my life…but hey I never have been conventional!
My dream for the last 4 years has been focused on the Paralympics, albeit I thought in a different sport, but that dream has never wavered. When one door closes we are always told that another one will open, you just have to look for it. Well the door to cycling has opened very quickly and I have had a number of wonderful people helping me to do the very best that I can possibly do. So I would just like to thank those who have believed and helped me to this point:
Russ, my husband, has probably been my biggest supporter. Without Russ I would have a hard time putting all the time and effort into training. He has never once said “Stop” or “Why are you doing this”, he just lets me do what I feel I have to do.
The Victorian Institute of Sport – all the staff have been so supportive and excited about my change of sport and without the support of Crooksy, my physical preparation coach in the gym over the last 4 years I would definitely not be where I am right now.
Helen and Bob Kelly, for taking me under their tutelage in the art of cycling! Although I don’t think Helen is too fond of riding my trike!
Morey Wickham Chartered Accountants – thanks to Chris and Jim, my first ever sponsors!
My family and friends who at times must think I am nuts but who believe and support me in my goals.
Without all these pieces of my life coming together I wouldn’t be heading over to Denmark this week! I have looked forward to and envisioned in great detail my dream and the future I want, now it is time to step forward and make it happen!